Author: Steph&Bruce
•6:47 AM
We've been busy getting ready for our honeymoon to Italy that I have not had a chance to post anything. I will also change the main pic.

In the mean time, the photographer has posted some pics on his blog. See here. There will be more pics in a few weeks, but at least there are these for now.

Thanks again for a wonderful time.
Bruce & Steph
Author: Steph&Bruce
•7:14 AM
It's two days until the wedding. I've wanted to update the site, but have not had an opportunity to do so. Sorry.

It turns out that May 1st is the annual Rittenhouse Row Spring Festival. This means that there will be lots of people all over the place and traffic will be very annoying. We advise that our guests allow for extra travel time.

Also, I've read that protests are being planned around the country in response to the immagration law in AZ. So keep your eyes open.

Author: Steph&Bruce
•9:36 PM
Everything is finally coming together. We are two weeks away from the wedding (yikes!). Are you ready? (b/c I'm not!)

We have received a few questions about the ceremony. Everything will happen in the same building. The wedding and cocktail hour will be on one floor, and the dinner will be on a different floor. We start at 6, anticipating that we'll be starting dinner at 8pm.

We purchased our flight today for our honeymoon. Italy, here we come!!!! Yay!!! I've been itching to visit Europe again for a few years.

For those of you with nothing to do on Sunday, Sly Fox brewery is having their annual goat races. Details can be found

Author: Steph&Bruce
•12:07 PM
Our photographer wanted to get a feel for us and insisted on doing an engagement photo shoot. He posted the pictures today. You can view them here. They are surprisingly better than I had anticipated. Enjoy!

Oh, and the fish is going to be swordfish, in case you were still waiting to find out.
Author: Steph&Bruce
•9:01 PM
Please take some time to read through the posts. Remember, blogs are ordered such that the most recent post is first. So go back to 2009 to see the first post we made.

The picture at the top is our back yard after the first of four snowstorms we've had here in Philly this past winter.

Over the next few days, we will post information about the Acorn Club, Philadelphia, and such.
More to follow!

Author: Steph&Bruce
•8:19 PM
Well, we have progress. We did our food tasting this past Friday night and loved it. We did the cake tasting on Monday and were very happy with that. We also chatted with a florist who had a variety of great ideas that took Steph in new directions than previously anticipated. So slowly, the ducks are falling into a row.

Philly's weather seems to be against us, though. Every time we have appointments lined up, this time for photographers, it snows. Tomorrow will be the fourth snow of the season. The Chicagoans reading this say, "Is that all? Only four?" I know. It's life in the NE. People here let snow interrupt their lives. Granted, we've had some doozies this winter.

But we are starting to look forward to a fun
Author: Steph&Bruce
•11:53 AM
We found a dress that is both beautiful and elegant. And we are both very happy. In the process, we passed on some very pretty dresses, some not-so-pretty dresses, lots of "eh" dresses, and one evening gown that in the end was not bridal enough.

At one store, the lady helping Steph stunned us. As she took Steph to the fitting room, she looked at me and said, "You know what she's looking for. Go to the front of the store and look through the sales rack for something she might like." Sigh... I desperately clung to what remained of my man-card.

Personally, I'm scared to go tux shopping now....